Wednesday 10 July 2013


 something in return for one thing

It is a latin abbreviation for something in return of one thing. It is the consideration in exchange of one thing.
In layman's language, giving one thing for another. It is one of the most essential conditions for a contract to be valid 
as per Section 10 of  Indian Contract Act,1872.
(however there are certain exceptions to it, where a contract can be valid without a consideration)
But such a consideration must be lawful.

e.g. A person promises to sell an elephant to other person. Other person promises him to pay a price money on such sale.
Both the promises are consideration for each others' promise. Hence quid pro quo is there.

Its other uses are in the cases of sexual harassments/assaults in workplace etc . The use of quid pro quo can also be seen  in politics, where sometimes it can take the face of blackmailing as well.