Wednesday 15 October 2014

1956 VS 2013


The main points of difference showing a quantitative comparison between Companies Act 1956 and 2013  are:s- (as on 31 december 2013)

1) Sections-

In 1956 act there were 658 sections.
Now in 2013 act , the sections have been reduced to 470.

2) Chapters-

In 1956 act there were 13 chapters.
Now in 2013 act , chapters have been increased to 29.

3)  Schedules-

In 1956 act there were 15 schedules.
Now in 2013 act , schedules are only 7.

4) Number of clauses-

In section 2 of 1956 act there were 67 definitions.
Now in section 2 of act 2013 there are 95 definitions.

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